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B.P. Koester, T.A. McKay, A.E. Evrard, M. Becker, L. Bleem (Michigan), J. Annis (Fermilab), R.H. Wechsler (Chicago), E.S. Sheldon (Chicago/NYU), D. Johnston (Princeton/JPL), R. Scranton (Pittsburgh), C.J. Miller (NOAO), R.C. Nichol (Portsmouth)
We present an overview of a new BCG/red-sequence galaxy cluster catalog drawn from the Data Release 4 sample of Sloan Digital Sky Survey imaging. Galaxy clusters are selected by calculating the likelihood that each observed galaxy is a brightest cluster galaxy based on its color and magnitude, along with the degree to which galaxies cluster around it in color, magnitude, and space. This method provides a list of cluster locations together with estimates of their total galaxy content and accurate photometric redshifts (\sigmaz < 0.02). The catalog covers the range 0.1 < z < 0.3 and includes ~50,000 objects containing ten or more galaxies brighter than 0.4 L*. It successfully recovers luminous X-ray clusters, optically-selected clusters, and massive halos in mock galaxy catalogs with a low false-positive rate. Further details of the cluster finding algorithm and its performance, together with a description of the properties of the derived catalog will be presented.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.