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E. Vazquez-Semadeni (CRyA-UNAM), D. Ryu (Chungnam National University, Korea), T. Passot (Obs. de la cote d'Azur, France), R. Gonzalez, A. Gazol (CRyA-UNAM)
We analyze the scenario of molecular cloud formation by large-scale supersonic compressions in the diffuse warm neutral medium (WNM). An analytical model and high-resolution 1D simulations predict that when the inflow Mach number Mr ~1, a thin cold layer forms within the shocked gas. After ~1 Myr of evolution, the layer has column density ~2.5 \times 1019 cm-2, thickness ~0.03 pc, temperature ~25 K and pressure ~6650 K cm-3. In the simulations, the sheets have line profiles with a central line of width ~ 0.5 km s-1 and broad wings of width ~1 km s-1, which correspond to the inflowing speed of the gas, and do not imply excessively short lifetimes for the sheets. These sheets are reminiscent of those recently observed by Heiles and coworkers.
3D numerical simulations show that at later times the cold
layer becomes dynamically unstable, through a nonlinear thin
shell-like instability occurring at the boundary of the thin
shell. Fully developed turbulence arises on times ranging
from ~5 Myr for Mr=2.4 to ~100 Myr for
Mr=1.03. In the turbulent regime, the highest-density gas
(HDG, n > 100 cm-3) is always overpressured with
respect to the mean WNM pressure by factors 2--5, even
though we do not include self-gravity. The
intermediate-density gas (IDG, 10 Our results suggest that the turbulence and at least part of
the excess pressure in molecular clouds can be generated by
the compression that forms the clouds themselves, and that
thin CNM sheets may be formed transiently by this mechanism,
when the compressions are only weakly supersonic.
This work has been funded by CONACYT grant 36571-E to
E.V.-S., Korea Research Foundation grant KRF-2004-015-C00213
to D.R., and the French national program PCMI to T.P.
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Session 119 |
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.