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P.E. Barrett (Johns Hopkins Univ.), E.M. Schlegel (Univ. of Texas-San Antonio), J. Dupuis (Canadian Space Agency), B. Heathcote (Ctr for Backyard Astrophysics)
Multiwavelength observations of the star WD 0334-6400 (or Ret 1 in A Catalog and Altas of Cataclysmic Variables: Living Edition) show it to be a DA+dMe binary. Our analysis of the far-ultraviolet continuum and spectral lines reveal that Teff = 36500 K; log g = 7.7; and the photosphere contains C, N, O, Si, P, and S. C/H = 2 x 10-6, which is the highest abundance seen in a DA white dwarf at this temperature. The dMe star is seen as a flux excess in near-infrared photometry and appears to show occasional flaring of about one magnitude as seen in the Harvard plates. There is no evidence of periodic variability in the spectroscopic or photometric data.
This paper is based on observations made with the NASA-CNES-CSA FUSE. This research is partially supported by NASA FUSE grants NAG5-12413 and NNG04GL18G.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.