AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 175. Recent Discoveries in the Far UV

Poster, Thursday, January 12, 2006, 9:20am-4:00pm, Exhibit Hall

175.01 Ly\alpha Pumped Molecular Hydrogen Emission in the Planetary Nebulae NGC 6853 and NGC 3132
R. E. Lupu, K. France, S. R. McCandliss (Johns Hopkins University)
175.02 FUSE Observations of the UV-bright Star vZ 1128 in the Globular Cluster M 3
P. Chayer, W.V. Dixon (The Johns Hopkins University), L. Torres, J.M. Rivera (University of Puerto Rico)
175.03 What is the Total Deuterium Abundance in the Local Galactic Disk?
J.L. Linsky (JILA/Univ. Colorado), B.T. Draine (Princeton Univ.), H.W. Moos (JHU), E.B. Jenkins (Princeton Univ. Obs.), B.E. Wood (JILA/Univ. Colorado), C. Oliveira, W.P. Blair (JHU), S.D. Friedman (STScI), C. Gry (Lab. d'Astro. Marseille), D. Knauth (Northwestern Univ.), J.W. Kruk (JHU), S. Lacour (Obs. Paris-Meudon), N. Lehner (Univ. Wisconsin), S. Redfield (Univ. Texas), J.M. Shull (CASA/Univ. Colorado), G. Sonneborn (Lab. Obs. Cosmology/GSFC), G.M. Williger (JHU)
175.04 Deuterium, Oxygen, and Nitrogen Abundance Toward LSE 44
S.D. Friedman (STScI), G. Hebrard (IAP), T.M. Tripp (UMASS), P. Chayer (JHU), K.R. Sembach (STScI)
175.05 Seven Days in the Life of AR Lac
T.R. Ayres, A. Brown, G. M. Harper (CASA), H. Korhonen (AIP), S. Redfield (U. Texas), S.L. Hawley (U. Washington), Optical Support Team
175.06 Searching for Radial Velocity Variations in eta Carinae
R.C. Iping (Catholic University of America/NASA/GSFC), G. Sonneborn, T.R. Gull (NASA/GSFC), S. Ivarsson (Catholic University of America, NASA/GSFC), K. Nielsen (Catholic University of America/NASA/GSFC)
175.07 Deuterium abundances along three extended sightlines from FUSE observations: Preliminary Results
C. M. Oliveira, H. W. Moos (Johns Hopkins University), G. Hebrard (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris), D. C. Knauth (Northwestern University)
175.08 The DA+dMe Binary WD 0334-6400
P.E. Barrett (Johns Hopkins Univ.), E.M. Schlegel (Univ. of Texas-San Antonio), J. Dupuis (Canadian Space Agency), B. Heathcote (Ctr for Backyard Astrophysics)
175.09 The Abundances of the Fe Group Elements in Three Early B Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud
G. J. Peters (University of Southern California), S. J. Adelman (The Citadel)
175.10 Deuterium abundance in the interstellar medium: Six new targets observed with FUSE
G. Hebrard (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris), S. D. Friedman (Space Telescope Science Institute), T. M. Tripp (University of Massachusetts), P. Chayer (JHU/UVIC), A. Lecavelier des Etangs (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris), C. M. Oliveira, H. W. Moos (Johns Hopkins University), A. Vidal-Madjar (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
175.11 Detection of a Hot Binary Companion of eta Carinae
G. Sonneborn (NASA's GSFC), R. C. Iping (NASA's GSFC and CUA), T. R. Gull (NASA's GSFC), D. L. Massa (NASA's GSFC and SGT), D. J. Hillier (U. Pittsburgh)
175.12 An Extended FUSE Survey of Diffuse O VI Emission in the Galactic Interstellar Medium
W. V. Dixon, R. Sankrit (JHU), B. Otte (U. Michigan), R. Velez (UPRM)
175.13 FUSE Observations Reveal the Nature of the Stellar Jets in the Symbiotic Binary R Aqr
J. Nichols, E. Kellogg (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
175.14 Fundamental Parameters of Hot Stars: FUSE Updates
P. Mendygral, N. R. Evans, J. Nichols (Harvard Smithsonian CfA), A. Fullerton (U. Victoria), D. Massa (SGT, Inc.), E. F. Guinan, E. Fitzpatrick (Villanova U.), I. Ribas (U. Barcelona)
175.15 FUSE Performance and Data Processing Under One-Wheel Attitude Control
T. B. Ake, R. M. Boyer (JHU/CSC), B-G Andersson, W. P. Blair, W. V. Dixon, M. E. Kaiser, J. W. Kruk, H. W. Moos, D. J. Sahnow (JHU)
175.16 FUSE Science Planning Under One-Wheel Attitude Control
H. M. Calvani (The Johns Hopkins University), M. Kochte (The Johns Hopkins University/Computer Sciences Corporation), A. F. Berman (The Johns Hopkins University), J. R. Caplinger (The Johns Hopkins University/Computer Sciences Corporation), T. Civeit (The Johns Hopkins University/CNES), M. N. England (The Johns Hopkins University/Computer Sciences Corporation)
175.17 A non-equilibrium ionization code and its applications
L. Ji, Q.D. Wang, K. John (Univsersity of Massachusetts)
175.18 D/H, N/H, O/H, and D/O along the sightline to the hot White Dwarf REJ1738+665
J. Dupuis (CSA), C.M. Oliveira (JHU), G. Hebrard (IAP), H.W. Moos, P. Sonnentrucker (JHU)
175.19 Molecular and Atomic Excitation Stratification in the Outflow of the Planetary Nebula M27
S. R. McCandliss (JHU)
175.20 D/H and D/O in the Galactic disk towards the CSPN RX J2117+3412
J.W. Kruk, C. Oliveira (JHU)

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