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A. Rosen, S. Kraus, G. Weigelt (MPIfR), M.D. Smith (Kent Univ.)
Recent high resolution bispectrum speckle interferometric observations in the near-infrared have revealed that the area surrounding NGC 7538 IRS1 is associated with a fan-like region that contains several stars and regions of diffuse emission. An interpretation of the speckle, CO, and methanol maser data, which shows the current position angle of the protostar's accretion disk on the sky, is of a jet with a large precession angle. Here, we run a molecular jet simulation with a similarly wide precession angle. We analyze the simulation for properties associated with the flow and the calculated emission. We can reproduce the ``older" average position angle for the CO emission, compared with a more recent value from molecular hydrogen (i.e., shocked gas) emission (which we use as a proxy for the K' band emission). Thus, the model is consistent with the interpretation that a precessing jet is responsible for much of the molecular emission (covering different emission lines) in the IRS1 region.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.