AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 74. Planets in Binary Star Systems, Young Stars and Jets

Poster, Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

74.01 Habitability in the Upsilon Andromedae System
A. Dove (Univeristy of Missouri - Columbia and IfA, Univeristy of Hawaii), N. Haghighipour (Institute for Astronomy and NASA Astrobiology Insititute, University of Hawaii)
74.02 Habitable Extrasolar Planetary Systems; The Case of \rho Cancri
D. Cotto-Figueroa (University of P.R. at Humacao), N. Haghighipour (Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii)
74.03 Extrasolar comets and asymmetric distribution of water vapor cloud around star IRC +10216
A Fraeman (Yale University and Carnegie Institute of Washington), N Haghighipour (Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii)
74.04 Excitation of Density Waves and Bending Waves in a Circumstellar Disk by a Binary Companion or a Planet
D. Lai (Cornell Univ.), H. Zhang (Cornell Univ. and NJNU)
74.05 Veiling in Orion T Tauri Stars
E.L. Hawks, C.M. Johns-Krull (Rice University), C.M. Hamilton (Mt. Holyoke College)
74.06 Magnetic Fields and Disk Locking in T Tauri Stars
C. M. Johns-Krull (Rice University), J. A. Valenti (Space Telescope Science Institute)
74.07 Accretion Rates for Classical T Tauri Stars in NGC 2264
K.E. Lockhart, C.M. Johns-Krull (Rice University), C.M. Hamilton (Mount Holyoke College)
74.08 Variability of FUV Emission Line in Classical T Tauri Stars as a Diagnostic for Disc Accretion
B. Ramkumar, C. M. Johns-Krull (Rice University)
74.09 Long Term Variability and Quasi-Periodicity of T Tauri Stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster
G. Roxby, W. Herbst, E. Williams (Wesleyan U.)
74.10 Evidence for Differential Rotation on a T Tauri Star in NGC 1333
W. Herbst (Wesleyan U.), A. Francis (Hamilton College), S. Dhital (Swarthmore College), N. Tresser (Wesleyan U.), L. Lin (CfA), E. Williams (Wesleyan U.)
74.11 Stellar Rotation and Variability in IC 348 and Indication of a 4.75 Year Period for the Unique, Apparently Eclipsing Pre-Main Sequence Star HMW 15
S. C. J. Nordhagen (Middlebury College), K. L. Rhode, W. Herbst, E. C. Williams (Wesleyan U.)
74.12 The 2005 Accretion Outburst in V1118 Ori: Evidence for A Spectral Change in X-rays
M. Audard (Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory), M. Güdel (Paul Scherrer Institut), S.L. Skinner (CASA/Univ. of Colorado), K.R. Briggs (Paul Scherrer Institut), F.M. Walter (Stony Brook University), G. Stringfellow (CASA/Univ. of Colorado), R.T. Hamilton, E.F. Guinan (Villanova University)
74.13 Detailed Modeling of Fast Hot Winds from T Tauri Stars
A. K. Dupree, E. H. Avrett, S. R. Cranmer (CfA)
74.14 Structure of the NGC 1333 IRAS 4A Southwestern SiO Outflow
M. Choi (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
74.15 Discovery of a Low Mass Bipolar Molecular Outflow from L1014-IRS with the Submillimeter Array
T.L. Bourke (CfA), A. Crapsi (U. Firenze), P.C. Myers (CfA), N.J. Evans II (U. Texas), D.J. Wilner, T.L. Huard, J.K. Jorgensen (CfA), C.H. Young (Nicholls State University)
74.16 Molecular jet simulation with a large precession angle and its application to emission from NGC 7538 IRS1
A. Rosen, S. Kraus, G. Weigelt (MPIfR), M.D. Smith (Kent Univ.)
74.17 Simulation of Magnetohydrodynamic Outbursts in Protostellar Disks
L. G. Book (University of Illinois at U-C), L. Hartmann (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)
74.18 Herbig-Haro Knots in AB Aurigae
M. D. Endres (SSAI, GSFC, George Washington University), N. Haddad (ICT, GSFC, St Mary's College of Maryland), G. M. Hilton (SSAI, GSFC, University of Maryland College Park), C. A. Grady (Eureka Scientific, GSFC), B. E. Woodgate (GSFC), G. M. Williger (University of Louisville, Johns Hopkins University)
74.19 The Microjet of AA Tau
A. W. Cox (Atholton High School, Columbia MD), G.M. Hilton (SSAI and GSFC), G.M Williger (U. Louisville and JHU), C. A. Grady (Eureka Scientific and GSFC), B. Woodgate (NASA's GSFC)
74.20 Pulsed Accretion in the Young Binary UZ Tau E
S. Dhital, E. L. N. Jensen (Swarthmore College), J. Patience (Caltech), R. L. Akeson (Michelson Science Center), W. Herbst (Wesleyan University)
74.21 New Observations of Candidate Herbig Ae/Be Stars in the LMC and SMC
K.S. Bjorkman (U. Toledo), J.P. Wisniewski (U. Toledo/NASA GSFC), J.E. Bjorkman, E.N. Hesselbach (U. Toledo)
74.22 A search for close companions of Herbig Ae/Be stars
N.S. van der Bliek, S. Thomas (CTIO/NOAO), B. Rodgers (Gemini Observatory), J. Bouvier (Observatoire de Grenoble), B. Brandvig (CTIO/NOAO & Gemini Observatory)
74.23 Near-IR Spectroscopy of Herbig Ae/Be Companion Stars
B.M. Rodgers (Gemini Observatory), N.S. van der Bliek (NOAO CTIO), B. Brandvig (CTIO REU Program), S. Thomas (NOAO CTIO), G. Doppmann (Gemini Observatory), J. Bouvier (Observatoire de Grenoble)
74.24 A Study of the Nature of Herbig Ae/Be Companion Stars
B.L. Brandvig (CTIO REU), B. Rodgers (Gemini Observatory), N. van der Bliek, S. Thomas (CTIO), G. Doppmann (Gemini Observatory), J. Bouvier (Observatoire de Grenoble)
74.25 A New Low-Mass, Pre-Main Sequence Eclipsing Binary: First Radial Velocities and Light Curves
P. Cargile, Y. Gomez Maqueo Chew, K. G. Stassun (Vanderbilt University), R. D. Mathieu (U. Wisconsin), L.P.R. Vaz (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)
74.26 A Pre-Main Sequence Spectroscopic Binary Revealed through Infrared Spectroscopy with Phoenix on Gemini.
G. Doppmann (Gemini Observatory), R. White (Caltech), D. Charbonneau (Harvard)
74.27 Rotational Periods in the \beta Pictoris Moving Group
L. E. Holloway (University of North Texas), L. Prato (Lowell Observatory), I. Song (Gemini Observatory), F. M. Walter (Stony Brook)
74.28 A Chandra Study of Herbig-Haro Objects: HH184 & HH300
C. A. Poteet (Western Kentucky University), E. N. Jordan, E. D. Feigelson (Pennsylvania State University), B. Reipurth (Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii)
74.29 The X-ray Point Source Population of M 17, the Omega Nebula
P. S. Broos, K. V. Getman, L. K. Townsley (Penn State)

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