AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
Session 63 From Here to Eternity: The Spitzer Legacy Programs
Poster, Tuesday, 9:20am-6:30pm, January 10, 2006, Exhibit Hall

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[63.04] The Chandra/SWIRE Medium-depth X-ray Survey

B. Wilkes, R. Kilgard, D-W Kim, M Kim (SAO), M Polletta, C Lonsdale, H Smith (UCSD), F Owen (NRAO), A Franschini (Padova), J Surace (IPAC)

The Spitzer Wide-area Infrared Extra-galactic Survey (SWIRE) is designed to study the structure, evolution and environments of AGN, starbursts, and ellipsoids over the same spatial volume out to z > 2.5. We have completed medium depth (70 ksecs), Chandra ACIS-I, X-ray observations in the northern Lockman Hole SWIRE Field, covering 0.6 sq.deg. for which deep observations are available in all seven Spitzer bands, optical and near-IR as well as extremely deep VLA 20cm data. We find 812 X-ray sources, of which 762 have counterparts in the Spitzer observations. 15 X-ray sources have sufficient counts to allow X-ray spectral fitting. We present preliminary results from this survey, including X-ray properties, the use of the X-ray and multi-wavelength properties to identify the AGN in the much larger infrared sample, characterisation of the SEDs of the AGN, particularly in the infrared, and resulting classifications and redshift estimation.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of NASA grant GO4-5158A (Chandra) and from NASA contract NAS8-39073 (CXC)

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
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