AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
Session 157 The Universe at High Redshift
Oral, Wednesday, 2:00-3:30pm, January 11, 2006, Maryland

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[157.02] The Evolution of Dust in an Extreme Astrophysical Environment in the Early Universe

E. Kasimova (Catholic University of America), E. Dwek (NASA GSFC), F. Galliano (NRC at NASA GSFC)

Sub-and millimeter observations of the galaxy J1148+5251 located at redshift z = 6.42 indicate an infrared luminosity of LIR \approx 2\times 1013~L\odot, and dust masses of Md \approx 5\times 108~M\odot. Formed in the ejecta of supernovae, the inferred dust mass suggests a supernova rate of at least 1 yr-1 over the lifetime (\approx 300~Myr) of this object. The infrared luminosity, if powered by stars, suggest a current star formation rate of about 1000~M\odot~yr-1. Since supernova also destroy dust during the remnant phase of their evolution, the presence of such large quantity of dust may require unusual astrophysical scenarios for its formation and evolution. In this presentation we will discuss: (1) the implication of these observations for the formation, destruction, and evolution of dust in this extreme astrophysical environment; and (2) what powers the infrared emission: stars or the underlying AGN?

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.