AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 110. Space-based Extra-Solar Planets: MOST, SPITZER, KEPLER, MPF

Poster, Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

110.01 Spitzer observations of two TW Hydrae Association brown dwarfs
J. E. Gizis, B. Riaz, A. Hmiel (Univ. of Delaware)
110.02 Searching for Extrasolar Planets in the M-band.
A. N. Heinze, P. M. Hinz (University of Arizona)
110.03 Spitzer IRS Spectra of Ultracool Dwarfs
M.C. Cushing (Steward Observatory), T.L. Roellig (NASA Ames), Dim Suns Team
110.04 An Ultracool View: IRAC Eyes The Elusive T Dwarfs
S.M. Sonnett (CfA/CofC), M. Marengo, B.M. Patten (CfA), K.L. Luhman (Penn State), M.T. Schuster (CfA/Minnesota), G.G. Fazio (CfA)
110.05 High Resolution Spitzer Spectroscopy of M, L, and T Dwarfs
A. K. Mainzer (JPL), T. L. Roellig (NASA Ames), G. C. Sloan (Cornell University), M. C. Cushing (Steward Observatory), J. D. Kirkpatrick (Infrared Processing and Analysis Center), S. K. Leggett (Joint Astronomy Center), M. S. Marley (NASA Ames), D. Saumon (Los Alamos National Laboratory), J. E. Van Cleve (Ball Aerospace and Technology Corporation), J. C. Wilson (University of Virginia), J. R. Houck (Cornell University)
110.06 MOST space-based photometry of the transiting exoplanet system HD 209458: II. Search for transits at other periods
B. Croll, J.M. Matthews, J.F. Rowe, R. Kuschnig (University of British Columbia), D. Sasselov (Havard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), D. Lin (UCO/Lick Observatory), D.B. Guenther (St. Mary's University), A.F.J. Moffat (Université de Montréal), S.M. Rucinski (University of Toronto), G.A.H. Walker (University of British Columbia), W.W. Weiss (Universität Wien)
110.07 MOST spacebased photometry of the transiting exoplanet system HD 209458: I. Albedo Measurements of an Extrasolar Planet
J.F. Rowe, J.M. Matthews (University of British Columbia), S. Seager (Carnegie Department of Terrestrial Magnetism), R. Kuschnig (University of British Columbia), D.B. Guenther (St. Mary's University), A.F.J. Moffat (Université de Montréal), S.M. Rucinski (University of Toronto), D. Sasselov (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), G.A.H. Walker (University of British Columbia), W.W. Weiss (Universität Wien)
110.08 MOST Spacebased Photometry of the Transiting Exoplanet System HD 209458: III. Transit Timing to Search for Other Planets
E. Miller-Ricci (Harvard CfA), J.F. Rowe (UBC), D. Sasselov (Harvard CfA), J.M. Matthews, R. Kuschnig (UBC), D.B. Guenther (St. Mary's U.), A.F.J. Moffat (U. de Montreal), S. Rucinski (U. of Toronto), G.A.H. Walker (UBC), W.W. Weiss (IfA, Vienna)
110.09 Kepler Mission Design
D. G. Koch, W. J. Borucki, J.J. Lissauer (NASA Ames), G.S. Basri, A.D. Gould (UC-Berkeley), T. M. Brown (High Altitude Observ.), D. A. Caldwell, E. K. DeVore, J. M. Jenkins (SETI Institute), J. Christensen-Dalsgaard (Aarhus Univ., Denmark), W. D. Cochran (Univ Texas-Austin), E.W. Dunham (Lowell Observ.), T. N. Gautier (JPL), J. C. Geary, D. W. Latham (SAO), R. L. Gilliland (STScI), Y. Kondo (NASA GSFC), D. G. Monet (USNO Flagstaff)
110.10 KeplerCam
A.H. Szentgyorgyi, J.G. Geary, D.W. Latham, L.T. Groner, S. Amato, K. Bennett, E.E. Falco, W.A. Peters, M.P. Ordway, R.G. Fata (CfA)
110.11 Engaging the Public in the Discovery of Other Worlds: The Kepler Discovery Mission Education and Public Outreach Program
E. K. DeVore (SETI Institute), A. D. Gould (Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley), P. K. Harman (SETI Institute), D. G. Koch (NASA Ames Research Center)
110.12 Star Classification for the Kepler Input Catalog: From Images to Stellar Parameters
T.M. Brown (HAO/NCAR), M. Everett (PSI), D.W. Latham (CfA), D.G. Monet (USNOFS)
110.13 The Kepler Input Catalog
D.W. Latham (CfA), T.M. Brown (HAO/UCAR), D.G. Monet (USNOFS), M Everett (PSI), G.A. Esquerdo (SAO/PSI), C.W. Hergenrother (SAO/LPL)
110.14 Accurate Masses and Separations for Planets Discovered by the Microlensing Planet Finder (MPF)
B. S. Gaudi (Harvard-Smithsonian, CfA), J. Anderson (Rice University), D. P. Bennett (Notre Dame), MPF Science Team
110.15 Planet Detection Algorithms for the Terrestrial Planet Finder-C
N. J. Kasdin (Princeton University), I. Braems (Université Paris Sud)
110.16 Fabrication of Soft-Edged Occulting Masks for Coronagraphs
R. Schlitz, M. Aziz (Harvard University), V. Tolls (CfA)
110.17 The PIAA Coronagraph: Optical design and Diffraction Effects
E.A. Pluzhnik (Subaru Telescope; Institute of Astronomy of Kharkov University, Ukraine), O. Guyon (Subaru Telescope), S. Ridgway (NOAO), F. Martinache (Cornell Univetsity), R. Woodruff (Lockheed Martin Space Corporation), C. Blain (Subaru Telescope), R. Galicher (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris)

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