AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 123. RAVE
Poster, Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall
- 123.01 The RAVE Survey: the Galactic Escape Velocity
- G. Ruchti (JHU), M.C. Smith (Kapteyn), K.C. Freeman (RSAA, ANU), A. Helmi (Kapteyn), J. Navarro (UVictoria), M. Williams (RSAA, ANU), R.F.G. Wyse (JHU), RAVE Collaboration
- 123.02 RAVE: Automatic Spectral Classification
- V. Belokurov, G.M Seabroke, N.W. Evans, G. Gilmore (IoA Cambridge), RAVE Collaboration
- 123.03 RAVE: Probing the Galaxy's Angular Momentum Through Thick and Thin (Disks and Halo)
- G.M. Seabroke, G. Gilmore (IoA Cambridge), RAVE Collaboration
- 123.04 The RAVE Survey: the Arcturus Moving Group
- M. Williams, K.C Freeman (RSAA, ANU), A. Helmi (Kapteyn Institute), J. Navarro (University of Victoria, BC), RAVE Collaboration
- 123.05 The Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE): A Galactic Dynamics Survey of the Milky Way
- M. Steinmetz (Astrophysical Inst., Potsdam), RAVE Collaboration
- 123.06 Galactic Kinematics from RAVE Data
- L. Veltz, O. Bienayme (Observatoire de Strasbourg), K.C Freeman (RSAA, ANU), RAVE Collaboration
- 123.07 The Diffuse Interstellar Band at 8620 Åas a Reddening Tracer on RAVE Spectra
- M. Fiorucci, U. Munari (INAF Padova-Asiago), RAVE Collaboration
- 123.08 Atmospheric Parameters along the MK Sequence from Analysis of RAVE Spectra of HD Stars
- U. Munari, M. Fiorucci (INAF Padova-Asiago), RAVE Collaboration
- 123.09 Further Evidence for a Merger Origin for the Thick Disk: Galactic Stars Along Lines-of-sight to Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
- R.F.G. Wyse (JHU), G. Gilmore (IoA, Cambridge), J.E. Norris (RSAA, ANU), M.I. Wilkinson (IoA, Cambridge), J.T. Kleyna (IfA, Hawaii), A. Koch (Basel), N.W. Evans (IoA, Cambridge), E.K. Grebel (Basel)
- 123.10 Galactic Stellar Populations: Reconciling Star Counts, Kinematics and Chemical Abundance Distribution Functions
- G. Gilmore (IoA, Cambridge), J.E. Norris (RSAA, ANU), R.F.G. Wyse (JHU), K.C. Freeman (RSAA, ANU)
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