DPS Meeting, Madison, October 1998
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Session 12. Asteroid Dynamics II

Contributed Oral Parallel Session, Monday, October 12, 1998, 3:50-5:10pm, Madison Ballroom C

12.01 Migrating Giant Planets and the Formation of the Asteroid Belt
S.J. Kortenkamp, G.W. Wetherill (DTM, Carnegie Institution of Washington)
12.02 Asteroid formation in the presence of giant planets
G.W. Wetherill, S.J. Kortenkamp (DTM, Carnegie Institution of Washington)
12.03 Trojan trapping in the early solar system
F. Marzari (Planetary Science Institute), H. Scholl (Observatoire de Nice)
12.04 Orientation of Asteroidal Spin Vectors
N. H. Samarasinha (NOAO/KPNO), T. Karr (Andrews University)
12.05 Does Sunlight Change the Spin of Small Asteroids?
D. P. Rubincam (NASA/GSFC)
12.06 Earth-approaching Asteroid Streams from the D-criteria
J. D. Drummond (Starfire Optical Range USAF)
12.07 Asteroid debris trails: evidence for recent collisions in the asteroid belt
D.J. Lien (Washington and Jefferson College/Vanguard Research, Inc.)
12.08 The Seasonal Trend in Meteorite Falls
R. W. Schmude, Jr. (Gordon College)

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