AAS Meeting #194 - Chicago, Illinois, May/June 1999
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Session 18. Far IR/Submillimeter Interferometry in Space

Special, Oral, Monday, May 31, 1999, 10:00-11:30am, Grand Ballroom

18.01 Introduction: Future Science Opportunities and a Technology Roadmap
D. Leisawitz (NASA GSFC)
18.02 Using FIR/Submillimeter Interferometers to observe Star Formation in the Milky Way and in Nearby Galaxies
H. W. Yorke (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
18.03 Far Infrared Observations of Distant Galaxies with SPECS
E. L. Wright (UCLA Astronomy)
18.04 ISIS-1 the Infrared and Submillimeter Interferometry Spacecraft: a Precursor Mission Concept
M.R. Swain, W. Langer, H.W. Yorke, C.R. Lawrence, M. Shao, V.G. Mannings (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

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