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A. Santangelo, A. Segreto, S. Del Sordo (IFCAI CNR), O. Mauro (ITESRE CNR), A. N. Parmar (SSD Estec, ESA), D. Dal Fiume (ITESRE Bologna)
With its good sensitivity, broad energy range and good energy resolution BeppoSAX is providing new views in the studies of the high energy X-ray emission from magnetic accreting pulsars. In this paper we summarize the BeppoSAX findings on both the continuum and the cyclotron lines properties of accreting pulsars spectra. We also discuss possible correlations between parameters and some class generalizations. Furthermore, the presence and detection of higher order harmonics in some of the sources of the class such as X0115+063, Cen X-3, vela X-1 and 4U1626-67 is addressed. Implications in the current theoretical scenario for the X-ray emission are, finally, discussed.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: andrea@ifcai.pa.cnr.it