HEAD 2000, November 2000
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 29. X-Ray Binaries II

Oral, Wednesday, November 8, 2000, 1:15-2:45pm, Pago Pago Ballroom

29.01 I15 The L\rm X > 1030~erg~s-1 Source Population of Three Globular Clusters
D. Pooley, W.H.G. Lewin (MIT), F. Verbunt (Astron. Inst., Netherlands), D.W. Fox (MIT), B. Margon (Univ. Washington), V.M. Kaspi (McGill Univ.), M. van der Klis (Astron. Inst., Netherlands), J. Miller (MIT)
29.02 New insights in the accretion driven millisecond X-ray pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658
R. Wijnands (CSR, MIT)
29.03 Magnetic Screening in Accreting Neutron Stars
A. Cumming (ITP, UC Santa Barbara), E. G. Zweibel (JILA, U. Colorado, Boulder), L. Bildsten (ITP, UC Santa Barbara)
29.04 Millisecond Oscillations and Related Sidebands During Type I X-Ray Bursts
D. Chakrabarty, D.K. Galloway, M.P. Muno, P. Savov (MIT)
29.05 The BeppoSAX view of cyclotron lines from accreting pulsars
A. Santangelo, A. Segreto, S. Del Sordo (IFCAI CNR), O. Mauro (ITESRE CNR), A. N. Parmar (SSD Estec, ESA), D. Dal Fiume (ITESRE Bologna)
29.06 Multiple Cyclotron Lines in the Spectrum of 4U 0115+63
W.A. Heindl, W. Coburn, D.E. Gruber, M.R. Pelling, R.E. Rothschild (UCSD), P. Kretschmar, I. Kreykenbohm, K. Pottschmidt, R. Staubert, J. Wilms (IAAT)
29.07 Towards a unified picture of power density spectra of accreting X-ray binaries
T. Belloni (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Merate, Italy)
29.08 Effects of Frame-Dragging on X-ray Emission from Black Holes and Neutron Stars
D. Markovic, F. K. Lamb (UIUC)

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