HEAD 2000, November 2000
Session 29. X-Ray Binaries II
Oral, Wednesday, November 8, 2000, 1:15-2:45pm, Pago Pago Ballroom

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[29.04] Millisecond Oscillations and Related Sidebands During Type I X-Ray Bursts

D. Chakrabarty, D.K. Galloway, M.P. Muno, P. Savov (MIT)

We have undertaken a comprehensive reanalysis of the entire Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer public data archive in order to identify, catalog, and characterize the timing and spectral properties of type I X-ray bursts. We have accumulated a sample of over 250 bursts so far. As part of our analysis, we are searching for new examples of millisecond oscillations during bursts. Here, we report on at least two previously unknown millisecond oscillations, as well as the detection of significant sidebands in the power spectra of previously known burst oscillation sources. It is unclear how to interpret these sidebands in the context of the current models for the burst oscillation phenomena.

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