HEAD 2000, November 2000
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 15. Galaxies
Display, Tuesday, November 7, 2000,
8:00am-6:00pm, Bora Bora Ballroom
- 15.01 The Nuclear X-ray Properties and X-ray Binary Populations of Three Elliptical Galaxies Observed with Chandra
- M. Loewenstein, L. Angelini, R.F. Mushotzky, K.A. Arnaud (NASA/GSFC)
- 15.02 Metals in the Diffuse Warm and Hot Gas of I Zw 18
- D.J. Bomans (Astronomisches Institut der Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum)
- 15.03 Using Chandra to Resolve the X-ray Emission in the Sa Galaxy NGC1291
- J. A. Irwin (University of Michigan), C. L. Sarazin (University of Virginia), J. N. Bregman (University of Michigan)
- 15.04 Amazing morphological details in Chandra X-ray maps
- G. Trinchieri (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera)
- 15.05 The X-ray source population of M33 as seen by Chandra
- J. McDowell, G. Fabbiano, V. Kalogera, K. Stanek (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
- 15.06 A Chandra X-ray Observatory search for Local Bubble analogs in the near-face-on galaxy NGC3184
- M. Juda (SAO), W. T. Sanders, D. McCammon (Univ. of Wisconsin), W. Cui (Purdue U.)
- 15.07 X-Ray Generation in Starburst Galaxies
- M. Sipior, M. Eracleous (Penn State U.)
- 15.08 XMM-Newton Observation of the Magellanic Bridge
- S. L. Snowden (NASA/GSFC/USRA)
- 15.09 Hard X-ray evidence for Advection Dominated Flows in the core of elliptical galaxies
- M. Guainazzi (XMM-Newton Science Operation Center, VILSPA, ESA)
- 15.10 X-ray emitters in the bulge of M31
- K.N. Borozdin, W.C. Priedhorsky, S.P. Trudolyubov (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- 15.11 Chandra HRC Observations of the Luminous X-Ray Source in the Starburst Galaxy M82
- P. Kaaret, A.H. Prestwich, A. Zezas, S.S. Murray, D.-W. Kim, R.E. Kilgard, E.M. Schlegel (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), M.J. Ward (Leicester)
- 15.12 X-ray Binary Populations in Elliptical Galaxies
- Raymond White (University of Alabama)
- 15.13 Consequences of Accretion onto Primordial Compact Objects
- M. C. Miller (University of Maryland)
- 15.14 Chandra observations of NGC 253: New insights into the nature of starburst-driven superwinds
- D.K. Strickland, T.M. Heckman (JHU), K.A. Weaver (GSFC), M. Dahlem (Sterrewacht Leiden)
- 15.15 The origin of the soft and hard X-ray emission in NGC253: Results from an XMM PV observation
- M. Cappi (ITeSRE/CNR), W. Pietsch (MPE), M. Ward (Univ. of Leicester), P. Ferrando (CEA), M. Sako, S. Kahn (Columbia Univ.), G. Branduardi-Raymont (MSSL), K. Borozdin (LANL), B. Shirey (Univ. of California), M.J. Freyberg (MPE), T. Roberts (Univ. of Leicester), A. Ptak (Carnegie Mellon U.)
- 15.16 Chandra Snapshot Survey of Nearby Galaxies
- A.F. Ptak (CMU), L.C. Ho (CIW), E.D. Feigelson, R.M. Sambruna, L. Townsley, W.N. Brandt, G.P. Garmire (PSU), R.E. Griffiths (CMU), W.L.W. Sargent (CalTech), A.V. Filippenko (Berkley)
- 15.17 Direct Evidence for a Cooling Flow in an Elliptical Galaxy
- J.N. Bregman, E.D. Miller, J.A. Irwin (University of Michigan)
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