AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
Session 12. Neutron Stars, White Dwarfs
Display, Monday, June 4, 2001, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

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[12.03] X-Ray Timing of the Pulsar 1E\,1145.1-6141

P. S. Ray (NRL), D. Chakrabarty (MIT)

We present RXTE timing observations of the X-ray pulsar 1E1145.1-6141. This source is one of a pair of X-ray pulsars which are seperated in the sky by only 15 arcmin, and have very similar pulse periods (1E1145.1-6141 at 292 s and 2S1145-619 at 297 s). By observing when 2S1145-619 is near apastron of its 186 day orbit, we have been able to minimize the contamination from that source and detect the orbit of 1E1145.1-6141. We find a preliminary orbit period of 14.385 ±0.02d. We will present measurements of the other Keplerian orbital parameters and constraints on the system parameters.

This work was supported in part by NASA NDPR S-42631-F. Basic research in X-ray Astronomy at NRL is supported by NRL/ONR.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: Paul.Ray@nrl.navy.mil

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