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I.N. Azcarate (IAR)
An observation carried out with a ballon-borne detector of additional secondary X-rays flux(E less than 40 keV) at large depths into the atmosphere is described.
The hypothesis is put forward that this additional flux was caused by the emission of very hard X-rays during the solar flare of August 7, 1972.
The propagation of the secondary photons resulting from their electromagnetic interactions in the atmosphere is computed, by means of a statistical simulation of the physical processes ( Monte Carlo method).
The results of the computation agree with the observed excess flux therefore supporting the hypothesis mentioned above.
This research was partially supported by Grant PIP 0430/98, from CONICET, Argentina.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: azcarate@irma.iar.unlp.edu.ar
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
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