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T. R. Metcalf, D. Alexander (LMSAL), H. S. Hudson (U.C. Berkeley), D. Longcope (Montana State University), D. Myers (GSFC)
An X5.3 flare occurred about 16:31 UT on 2001 August 25 and was well observed by the Yohkoh and TRACE spacecraft. The flare showed gamma-ray emission, nuclear lines, and was a dramatic white light flare seen in TRACE data. A preliminary analysis of the hard X-ray images from the Yohkoh/HXT instrument shows two clear footpoints and a moving HXR source in this very energetic flare. The moving hard X-ray source appears to move along a magnetic separatrix at 400 km/sec. We will discuss the hard X-ray and white light structure of this flare and discuss the energetics and possible mechanisms for the formation of the TRACE white light emission.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
© 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.