AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 68. Flares
Display, Thursday, June 6, 2002,
9:20am-4:00pm, SW Exhibit Hall
- 68.01 Directionality of Solar Flare Accelerated Protons and \alpha Particles from \gamma-Ray Line Measurements
- G. H. Share, R. J. Murphy (Naval Research Laboratory), J. Kiener, N. de Sereville (Univ. of Paris-South)
- 68.02 A Balloon-Borne observation in the Atmosphere of secondary X-rays during the August 7, 1972 solar flare
- I.N. Azcarate (IAR)
- 68.03 Hard X-ray and White Light Observations of the August 25, 2001 X Flare
- T. R. Metcalf, D. Alexander (LMSAL), H. S. Hudson (U.C. Berkeley), D. Longcope (Montana State University), D. Myers (GSFC)
- 68.04 The Effects of Low- and High-Energy Cutoffs on Solar Flare Microwave and Hard X-ray Spectra
- G. D. Holman (LASP, NASA/GSFC)
- 68.05 Multiple-loop structure of a solar flare from Microwave, EUV and X-ray Imaging Data.
- V. Garaimov, M. Kundu (Dept. of Astronomy, U. Maryland)
- 68.06 Distinctive Spatial Configuration of a Class of Microwave Flaring Sources
- M. Kundu, V.I. Garaimov (Dept. of Astronomy, U. Maryland)
- 68.07 Solar Flare Spectroscopy and Imaging with CDS and TRACE
- P. T. Gallagher (L-3 Com Analytics Corp/NASA GSFC)
- 68.08 Photospheric Magnetic Fields Complexity Variations and Solar Flares
- G. Barnes, K.D. Leka (Colorado Research Associates), D.W. Longcope (Dept. of Physics, Montana State University)
- 68.09 What Can We Learn about Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Corona from Joint SOHO/MDI and TRACE Observations?
- J.L.R. Saba (LMSAL at NASA/GSFC), T. Gaeng (L-3 Com Analytics Corp), T.D. Tarbell (LMSAL)
- 68.10 Particle Acceleration Scalings Based on Exact Analytic Models for Magnetic Reconnection
- Y. Litvinenko (UNH)
- 68.11 Hydrodynamic Modeling of Flare Loops
- K.K. Reeves, H.P. Warren, E.E. DeLuca, J.F. Boyd (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), T.D. Arber (U of Warwick)
- 68.12 The Yohkoh Galileo Project
- A. R. Davey, L. W. Acton (Montana State University)
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