AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 68. Flares

Display, Thursday, June 6, 2002, 9:20am-4:00pm, SW Exhibit Hall

68.01 Directionality of Solar Flare Accelerated Protons and \alpha Particles from \gamma-Ray Line Measurements
G. H. Share, R. J. Murphy (Naval Research Laboratory), J. Kiener, N. de Sereville (Univ. of Paris-South)
68.02 A Balloon-Borne observation in the Atmosphere of secondary X-rays during the August 7, 1972 solar flare
I.N. Azcarate (IAR)
68.03 Hard X-ray and White Light Observations of the August 25, 2001 X Flare
T. R. Metcalf, D. Alexander (LMSAL), H. S. Hudson (U.C. Berkeley), D. Longcope (Montana State University), D. Myers (GSFC)
68.04 The Effects of Low- and High-Energy Cutoffs on Solar Flare Microwave and Hard X-ray Spectra
G. D. Holman (LASP, NASA/GSFC)
68.05 Multiple-loop structure of a solar flare from Microwave, EUV and X-ray Imaging Data.
V. Garaimov, M. Kundu (Dept. of Astronomy, U. Maryland)
68.06 Distinctive Spatial Configuration of a Class of Microwave Flaring Sources
M. Kundu, V.I. Garaimov (Dept. of Astronomy, U. Maryland)
68.07 Solar Flare Spectroscopy and Imaging with CDS and TRACE
P. T. Gallagher (L-3 Com Analytics Corp/NASA GSFC)
68.08 Photospheric Magnetic Fields Complexity Variations and Solar Flares
G. Barnes, K.D. Leka (Colorado Research Associates), D.W. Longcope (Dept. of Physics, Montana State University)
68.09 What Can We Learn about Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Corona from Joint SOHO/MDI and TRACE Observations?
J.L.R. Saba (LMSAL at NASA/GSFC), T. Gaeng (L-3 Com Analytics Corp), T.D. Tarbell (LMSAL)
68.10 Particle Acceleration Scalings Based on Exact Analytic Models for Magnetic Reconnection
Y. Litvinenko (UNH)
68.11 Hydrodynamic Modeling of Flare Loops
K.K. Reeves, H.P. Warren, E.E. DeLuca, J.F. Boyd (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), T.D. Arber (U of Warwick)
68.12 The Yohkoh Galileo Project
A. R. Davey, L. W. Acton (Montana State University)

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