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A.C. Carciofi, J.E. Bjorkman (University of Toledo)
We present a new Monte Carlo method for solving the 3-D radiative transfer problem for the stellar winds of hot stars. Our code simulates the transfer of polarized radiation in an extended circumstellar envelope composed of pure hydrogen. It includes scattering by free electrons, continuous bound-free and free-free absorption and emission, and line emission using Sobolev escape probabilities. Finally, the code applies a radiative equilibrium scheme that enable us to correcly calculate the wind temperature throughout the envelope. Since the Monte Carlo simulation is inherently three-dimensional, our method is easily applied to arbitrary wind densities, geometries, and velocity fields.
In this paper we outline the main code features and present the tests we made to validade the code against published results and results from other codes. As a first application of the code, we present a study of H\alpha line profiles and line polarization arising from the rotating Keplerian disks of Be Stars.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
© 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.