AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 74. Stellar Atmospheres and Circumstellar Material
Display, Thursday, June 6, 2002,
9:20am-4:00pm, SW Exhibit Hall
- 74.01 The Circumstellar Environments Of 62 Nearby A Stars
- J.D. Meiring, J.E. Neff (College of Charleston), K.P. Cheng (Cal State University, Fullerton)
- 74.02 New HST Observations of the Wolf-Rayet Nebula NGC 6888
- R.J. Dufour, B.D. Moore (Rice Univ.), J.J. Hester, P.A. Scowen (Arizona State Univ.), B.A. Buckalew (Rice Univ.)
- 74.03 Effects of Nongray Opacity on Radiatively Driven Wolf-Rayet Winds
- A. J. Onifer, K. G. Gayley (University of Iowa)
- 74.04 Radiative Transfer in Hot Stellar Winds, a Monte Carlo Approach
- A.C. Carciofi, J.E. Bjorkman (University of Toledo)
- 74.05 A Search for Astrospheric Ly\alpha Emission Around 40~Eri~A
- B.E. Wood, J.L. Linsky (JILA, Univ. of Colorado), H.-R. Müller (Bartol Research Institute), G.P. Zank (IGPP, Univ. of California at Riverside)
- 74.06 A Complete Linelist for the B'-X Transition of MgH
- S. Skory (University of California, Berkeley), P. C. Stancil, P. F. Weck (University of Georgia), K. Kirby (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
- 74.07 NICMOS Observations of Vega: Upper Limits to the Detection of the Debris System
- M.D. Silverstone, G. Schneider (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona), B.A. Smith (University of Hawaii)
- 74.08 Multiwavelength Flares on AD Leo
- J. C. Allred, S. L. Hawley (University of Washington), C. M. Johns-Krull (Rice University), G. H. Fisher (University of California, Berkeley)
- 74.09 SiO Maser Emission in S Per - The Movie
- T.A. Ostrowski-Fukuda, R.E. Stencel (University of Denver), A. Kemball (NRAO), P.J. Diamond (MERLIN/VLBI National Facility)
- 74.10 Nebular Absorption lines seen in the Near Ultraviolet Spectrum of Eta Carinae
- G. Vieira (SSAI, NASA's GSFC), A. Danks (L3-Analytics, NASA's GSFC), T. R. Gull (NASA's GSFC)
- 74.11 Diagnosis on optical/X-ray emission line profiles of Eta Carinae
- K. Ishibashi (CSR/MIT)
- 74.12 Associates of Eta Car: New Insights
- N.R. Evans, F.D. Seward, M.I. Krauss, J. Nichols, E.M. Schlegel, S.J. Wolk (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), W.L. Waldron (L-3 Comm. Analytics)
- 74.13 Probing the Circumstellar Environment of pi Aquarii Using Intrinsic Linear Polarization
- J.P. Wisniewski, K.S. Bjorkman, J.E. Bjorkman, G. Summers (U. Toledo), M.R. Meade (U. Wisconsin)
- 74.14 The UW Centauri Reflection Nebula
- Y. Beshara, G.C. Clayton, T.L. Smith (LSU), K.D. Gordon (Steward Obs.)
- 74.15 CHANDRA Observations of the Corona of AU Mic (dM1e)
- J.L. Linsky (JILA/Univ. Colorado and NIST), A. Brown, R.A. Osten (CASA/Univ. Colorado)
- 74.16 Transition Region Emission Observed During a Flare on VB8
- S. L. Hawley (University of Washington), C. M. Johns-Krull (Rice University)
- 74.17 Spectroscopic Effects of Rotation in Extended Stellar Atmospheres
- J. R. Busche (Wheeling Jesuit University), D. J. Hillier (University of Pittsburgh)
- 74.18 X-ray Emission from Bow Shocks around Clumps in Stellar Winds
- N. Moeckel, J. Cho, J. P. Cassinelli (University of Wisconsin-Madison Astronomy Dept.)
- 74.19 Chandra~HETGS Observes Tortured Coronae in the Rapid Braking Zone
- T.R. Ayres, R.A. Osten, A. Brown (CASA), M. Gagne (West Chester Univ.), J.L. Linsky (JILA)
- 74.20 Gravitational Microlensing of Circumstellar Envelopes
- J. E. Bjorkman (University of Toledo), R. Ignace (University of Iowa), J. F. L. Simmons (University of Glasgow, & Centre Universitaire, Luxembourg)
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