AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 75. Novae and Cataclysmics

Display, Thursday, June 6, 2002, 9:20am-4:00pm, SW Exhibit Hall

75.01 Dust Around Novae: The Continuing Saga
J. J. Johnson, T. E. Harrison, H. Osborne (New Mexico State University), D. M. Gelino (CASS/UCSD), G. S. Stringfellow (Univ. of Colorado-Boulder)
75.02 Circumbinary Disks
N. Sanghi, K. E. Belle, S.B. Howell (PSI)
75.03 A photoionization model analysis of the ONeMg nova QU Vul
G. J. Schwarz (Steward Observatory)
75.04 Near-Infrared (0.8-2.5 mm) Spectrophotometry of Nova Sagittarius 1999 (V4444 Sgr)
C.C. Venturini, R.J. Rudy, D.K. Lynch, S. Mazuk (The Aerospace Corporation), R.C. Puetter (Univ. of CA San Diego)
75.05 Time Development of the 0.8-2.5 µm Spectrum of CI Aquilae
D.K. Lynch (The Aerospace Corp.), J.C. Wilson (Cornell), N.A. Miller (NASA GSFC), R.J. Rudy, C.C. Venturini, S. Mazuk (The Aerospace Corp.), R.C. Puetter (UCSD)
75.06 An Analysis of the Long Term Light Curve of U Geminorum
J. K. Cannizzo (UMBC), N. Gehrels (NASA/GSFC), J. A. Mattei (AAVSO)
75.07 Infrared Photometry of the Interesting Nova-like Variable V838 Monocerotis
J.E. Lyke (U. Minnesota), C.G. Mason (SETI Institute), R.D. Gehrz, C.E. Woodward (U. Minnesota)
75.08 HST Observations of the Intermediate Polar EX Hydrae
K. E. Belle, S. B. Howell (Planetary Science Inst.), E. M. Sion (Villanova Univ.), K. S. Long (STScI)
75.09 SS Cygni - A Nonlinear Revisit
N. Jevtic (Physics Dept., University of Connecticut), J.A. Mattei (AAVSO), J.S. Schweitzer (Physics Dept., University of Connecticut)
75.10 Simultaneous BVRIJHK Photometry of Cataclysmic Variables: Measuring Orbital Inclination Angles Using Ellipsoidal Variations
H. Osborne, T. E. Harrison (NMSU), S. B. Howell (PSI), J. J. Johnson (NMSU), D. M. Gelino (UCSD)
75.11 The Detection of 13CO and Other Abundance Anomalies in the Secondary Stars of Cataclysmic Variables
T. E. Harrison (NMSU), S. B. Howell (PSI), H. Osborne, J. J. Johnson (NMSU), D. M. Gelino (UCSD)
75.12 Hydrodynamic Modeling of Cataclysmic Variable Winds and Local Ionization Equilibrium
N. A. Pereyra (University of Pittsburgh), T. R. Kallman (Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA)

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