AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 73. Interim Stellar Materials: Gas, Dust and Clouds
Display, Thursday, June 6, 2002,
9:20am-4:00pm, SW Exhibit Hall
- 73.01 Measuring the Slope of the Galactic Dust Extinction Law, RV, in the Direction of Differentially-Reddened Globular Clusters
- J. Melbourne, P. Guhathakurta (UCSC)
- 73.02 Dust Extinction and the Structure of Lynds Dark Nebula 781
- E. J. Murphy (Tufts University), T. L. Huard, C. J. Lada (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), J. Alves (European Southern Observatory)
- 73.03 The Critical Ionization Velocity Signature Manifested in Interstellar Neutral Hydrogen Emission Profile Structure
- G. L. Verschuur (Physics Department, University of Memphis)
- 73.04 E(B-V), CO, and CH as Molecular Gas Tracers in a Translucent Cloud
- H.C. Kim (Columbia University), R.J. Chastain (University of Washington), L. Magnani (University of Georgia)
- 73.05 AST/RO Observations of CO (J=7-6) Emission in NGC 6334
- S. Kim, A.P. Lane, A.A. Stark, C.L. Martin (CfA), D. Narayanan (Univ. of Florida), M. Yan (CfA)
- 73.06 Acetic Acid in the Hot Cores of Sgr B2(N) and W51
- A.J. Remijan, L.E. Snyder (Department of Astronomy, University of Illinois), S.-Y. Liu (Department of Astronomy, California Institute of Technology), Y.-J. Kuan (Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University; and Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica), D.M. Mehringer (National Center for Supercomputing Applications; Department of Astronomy, University of Illinois)
- 73.07 SDSS Observations Towards the Draco Molecular Cloud
- P. McGehee (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- 73.08 The Distribution of Elements between Gas and Dust in the Interstellar Line of Sight toward X Persei
- M. M. Drosback, B. L. Rachford, T. P. Snow (CASA, University of Colorado), J. H. Black (Onsala Space Observatory, Chalmers University of Technology), R. A. McCray (JILA, University of Colorado)
- 73.09 Interstellar Deuterium, Nitrogen and Oxygen Abundances Toward GD 246, Lan 23 and HZ 21: Results from the FUSE Mission
- C. M. Oliveira (Johns Hopkins University), G. Hébrard (Inst. d\'{}Astrophysique de Paris), J. C. Howk (Johns Hopkins University), P. Chayer (Johns Hopkins University, University of Victoria), J. W. Kruk, H. W. Moos (Johns Hopkins University)
- 73.10 FUSE Results on D/H Toward Two Milky Way Disk Stars: Probing Longer Sight Lines Through the ISM
- C. G. Hoopes (JHU), K. R. Sembach (STScI), G. Hébrard (CNRS/IAP), H. W. Moos (JHU)
- 73.11 CO and H2 in the ISM with FUSE and STIS
- P. Sonnentrucker, S. D. Friedman (JHU), D. E. Welty, D. G. York (U. Chicago), T. P. Snow (U. Colorado)
- 73.12 Ionization of the Local Interstellar Medium toward White Dwarf stars using FUSE
- N. Lehner (JHU), C. Gry (ESA), E.B. Jenkins (Princeton), S. Lacour, H.W. Moos (JHU), K.R. Sembach (STScI)
- 73.13 New results from FUSE: a paradigm for testing models of the Local Hot Bubble
- B.Y. Welsh, S. Sallmen (UC Berkeley), R. Lallement (CNRS (France))
- 73.14 High-Ionization Gas Associated with a Supershell Surrounding the Perseus OB1 Association
- D. C. Knauth, J. C. Howk (Johns Hopkins), K. R. Sembach (STScI), J. T. Lauroesch, D. M. Meyer (Northwestern)
- 73.15 Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Detection of OVI Emission toward a Region of Strong Soft X-ray Emission
- B. Otte, W. V. Dixon, R. Sankrit (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
- 73.16 Identifying the Carriers of the Unidentified Infrared (UIR) Emission Features Throughout the Galaxy
- E.L.O. Bakes (SETI Institute/NASA ARC), A.G.G.M. Tielens (SRON), C.W. Bauschlicher, D.H. Hudgins, L.J. Allamandola (NASA ARC)
- 73.17 Interstellar Absorption of the Galactic Polar Low Frequency Radio Background Synchrotron Spectrum as an Indicator of Clumpiness in the WIM
- J.D. Peterson, W.R. Webber (NMSU)
- 73.18 Simulated Masers in a Supersonically-Turbulent Boundary Layer
- C.R. Gwinn, K.A. Miller (UC Santa Barbara)
- 73.19 Supersonic turbulence and structure of interstellar molecular clouds
- P. Padoan (JPL, Caltech), S. Boldyrev (ITP, UCSB), A. Nordlund (Copenhagen Astronomical Observatory and Theoretical Astrophysics Center)
- 73.20 Density Interface Instabilities in Molecular Clouds; Self-Gravity Driven vs Rayleigh-Taylor
- R.M. Hueckstaedt (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Applied Physics Division)
- 73.21 Enhancement of Ambipolar Diffusion Rates through Field Fluctuations
- M. Fatuzzo (Xavier Unviersity), F. C. Adams (University of Michigan)
- 73.22 Fast Reconnection in a Two-Stage Process
- F. Heitsch (JILA), E.G. Zweibel (JILA/U. Colorado)
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