AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 62. HST Instrumentation

Display, Wednesday, June 5, 2002, 10:00am-7:00pm, SW Exhibit Hall

62.01 ACS Sensitivity
C. M. Pavlovsky, M. Clampin, G. De Marchi, R. Gilliland, R. Bohlin, J. Mack, G.F. Hartig (Space Telescope Science Institute), M. Sirianni (Johns Hopkins University)
62.02 ACS observations of HII regions
M. Clampin (STScI), H. Ford (JHU), G. Illingworth (UCOLICK), D. A. Golimowski, G. Meurer, M. Sirianni (JHU), J. Krist, G. Hartig (STScI)
62.03 The Advanced Camera for Surveys Coronagraph
D. A. Golimowski (Johns Hopkins University), J. E. Krist, M. Clampin, G. F. Hartig (Space Telescope Science Institute), H. C. Ford (Johns Hopkins University), G. D. Illingworth (University of California at Santa Cruz)
62.04 Early Observations with the ACS Grism
C. Gronwall (Johns Hopkins Univ.), A. Pasquali, N. Pirzkal, J.R. Walsh (ESO/ST-ECF), Z.I Tsvetanov, A.R. Martel (Johns Hopkins Univ.), R.N. Hook, W. Freudling, R. Albrecht, R.A.E. Fosbury (ESO/ST-ECF), G. Hartig, R.C. Bohlin (STScI), H.D. Tran, N. Benítez (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
62.05 Performance of the ACS WFC and HRC CCDs.
M. Sirianni (JHU), M. Clampin, G.F. Hartig (STScI), H.C. Ford (JHU), G. Illingworth (UCSC-Lick Obs.), D.A. Golimowski, A.R. Martel, W.J. McCann (JHU), G. De Marchi, M. Mutchler, C. Pavlovsky (STScI), V. Argabright, B. Burmester, W. Koldewyn, R.J. Schrein (BASD), P. Sullivan (GSFC)
62.06 Early Observations with the ACS Ramp Filters
Z. Tsvetanov (JHU), G. Hartig, R. Bohlin (STScI), H. D. Tran, A. Martel, M. Sirianni (JHU), M. Clampin (STScI)
62.07 Performance of the Solar Blind Channel of the HST Advanced Camera for Surveys
G.R. Meurer, H.C. Ford, A.R. Martel, M. Sirianni, H.D. Tran (Johns Hopkins University), R. Bohlin, M. Clampin, C. Cox, G. De Marchi, G. Hartig (Space Telescope Science Institute), R. Kimble (Goddard Space Flight Center), V. Argabright (Ball Aerospace)
62.08 Spectral Extraction from ACS & VLT multi-object spectroscopic data
N. Pirzkal, A. Pasquali, E. Daddi, J. R. Walsh, R. N. Hook (ST-ECF/ESO)
62.09 HST Wide Field and Planetary Camera II Status Update
I. Heyer, S. Gonzaga, A. Koekemoer, V. Kozhurina-Platais, L. Lubin, M. McMaster, A. Schultz, B. Whitmore (STScI)
62.10 Improvements to STIS Pipeline Calibration
R.I. Diaz-Miller, J. Kim-Quijano, J. Valenti, C.R. Proffitt (Space Telescope Science Institute), D. Lindler (Advanced Computer Concepts, Inc.)
62.11 Sensitivity Monitor Report for the STIS First-Order Modes
D.J. Stys, N.R. Walborn, I. Busko, P. Goudfrooij, C. Proffitt, K. Sahu (STScI)
62.12 Ultra High Angular Resolution Observations with HST's FGS1R
R. B. Makidon, E. Nelan, M. Lallo (STScI)
62.13 The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph
J.C. Green, J.A. Morse (Univ. Colorado)

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