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G. Eichhorn, A. Accomazzi, C. S. Grant, M. J. Kurtz, S. S. Murray (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
The ADS provides a sophisticated search system for the literature in Astronomy and Physics. The user has numerous options for retrieving records in different formats, for sending output to various destinations, and for sorting the results lists. Retrieval formats include LaTeX formats for various journals, Bibtex format, plain text, HTML code, and formats for various bibliographies software packages, including Endnote. The user can also construct a customized retrieval format and save if in the user preferences for subsequent use. The output can be sent to various destination, e.g. the browser, local file, Endnote, etc. Sorting options allow the user to sort the results list according to various criteria, including by number of citations to each article.
The ADS is funded by NASA Grant NCC5-18.
If the author provided an email address or URL for general inquiries,
it is as follows:
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34, #3< br> © 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.