DPS 34th Meeting, October 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 32. Future Missions and Instruments
Poster, Chair(s): , Thursday, October 10, 2002,
4:00-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall
- 32.01 Implementation Options For the Solar System Exploration Survey�s �Jupiter Polar Orbiter with Probes� Mission
- T.R. Spilker (JPL/Caltech)
- 32.02 Planetary Observations with the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility
- A.T. Tokunaga, S.J. Bus, J.T. Rayner (Inst. for Astronomy, Univ. of Hawaii)
- 32.03 Near Earth Object Explorer (NEOX): A High Performance Spacecraft for NEO Exploration
- R.P. Reinert, R.W. Dissly (Ball Aerospace)
- 32.04 Solar System Observing with the Space Infrared Telescope Facility
- V. S. Meadows (SIRTF Science Center/JPL/Caltech), D. Hoard, A. P. Marston, B. McCollum, L. M. Rebull, N. Silbermann, G. Squires (SSC/Caltech)
- 32.05 The Naiades: A Mars Scout Proposal for Electromagnetic and Seismic Exploration for Groundwater on Mars
- R.E. Grimm (Blackhawk Geoservices)
- 32.06 Characteristics of an Advanced Dust Telescope
- E. Grün (MPI-K and HIGP), R. Srama, M. Rachev, A. Srowig (MPI-K), D. Harris, T. Conlon (HIGP), S. Auer (A&M Assoc.)
- 32.07 Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy as a tool for dynamical studies of angularly extended faint emissions in the solar system.
- F. Roesler, J. Corliss (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- 32.08 Magdalena Ridge Observatory (MRO) as a Tool for Asteroid Science
- E. V. Ryan (NM Tech/NMHU), W. H. Ryan (NMHU/NM Tech), V. D. Romero (NM Tech), Magdalena Ridge Observatory Consortium Collaboration
- 32.09 The USNO-B Catalogue, and a Search for Candidate Occultation Stars
- S. E. Levine (USNO Flagstaff), A. S. Bosh (BU/Lowell), D. G. Monet (USNO Flagstaff)
- 32.10 Advanced Retrieval Options in the Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
- G. Eichhorn, A. Accomazzi, C. S. Grant, M. J. Kurtz, S. S. Murray (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
- 32.11 Piezoelectric Pins for Use as Dust Detectors
- H. L. K. Manning (Concordia College), I. H. Campbell (Los Alamos National Laboratory), K. A. Nelson, J. R. Yager (Concordia College)
- 32.12 A Search for Evidence of Interplanetary and Atmospheric Microbial Delivery Systems
- R.S. Fritzius (Shade Tree Physics)
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