DPS 34th Meeting, October 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 32. Future Missions and Instruments

Poster, Chair(s): , Thursday, October 10, 2002, 4:00-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

32.01 Implementation Options For the Solar System Exploration Survey�s �Jupiter Polar Orbiter with Probes� Mission
T.R. Spilker (JPL/Caltech)
32.02 Planetary Observations with the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility
A.T. Tokunaga, S.J. Bus, J.T. Rayner (Inst. for Astronomy, Univ. of Hawaii)
32.03 Near Earth Object Explorer (NEOX): A High Performance Spacecraft for NEO Exploration
R.P. Reinert, R.W. Dissly (Ball Aerospace)
32.04 Solar System Observing with the Space Infrared Telescope Facility
V. S. Meadows (SIRTF Science Center/JPL/Caltech), D. Hoard, A. P. Marston, B. McCollum, L. M. Rebull, N. Silbermann, G. Squires (SSC/Caltech)
32.05 The Naiades: A Mars Scout Proposal for Electromagnetic and Seismic Exploration for Groundwater on Mars
R.E. Grimm (Blackhawk Geoservices)
32.06 Characteristics of an Advanced Dust Telescope
E. Grün (MPI-K and HIGP), R. Srama, M. Rachev, A. Srowig (MPI-K), D. Harris, T. Conlon (HIGP), S. Auer (A&M Assoc.)
32.07 Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy as a tool for dynamical studies of angularly extended faint emissions in the solar system.
F. Roesler, J. Corliss (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
32.08 Magdalena Ridge Observatory (MRO) as a Tool for Asteroid Science
E. V. Ryan (NM Tech/NMHU), W. H. Ryan (NMHU/NM Tech), V. D. Romero (NM Tech), Magdalena Ridge Observatory Consortium Collaboration
32.09 The USNO-B Catalogue, and a Search for Candidate Occultation Stars
S. E. Levine (USNO Flagstaff), A. S. Bosh (BU/Lowell), D. G. Monet (USNO Flagstaff)
32.10 Advanced Retrieval Options in the Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
G. Eichhorn, A. Accomazzi, C. S. Grant, M. J. Kurtz, S. S. Murray (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
32.11 Piezoelectric Pins for Use as Dust Detectors
H. L. K. Manning (Concordia College), I. H. Campbell (Los Alamos National Laboratory), K. A. Nelson, J. R. Yager (Concordia College)
32.12 A Search for Evidence of Interplanetary and Atmospheric Microbial Delivery Systems
R.S. Fritzius (Shade Tree Physics)

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