DPS 34th Meeting, October 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 14. Asteroids

Poster, Tuesday, October 8, 2002, 3:30-6:00pm, Exhibit Hall

14.01 Depletion of Volatiles on the Extreme Surfaces of Airless Bodies
R. M. Killen (University of Maryland), D. C. Boice (Southwest Research Institute)
14.02 Space Weathering Effects on Small Body Surfaces: Laboratory Fast Ions Bombardment
G. Strazzulla (INAF-Oss. Astrof. Catania, Italy), E. Dotto (INAF-OATo, INAF-OAR, Italy), M.A. Barucci (LESIA-Obs. Paris, France), A. Blanco, V. Orofino (Univ. Lecce, Italy)
14.03 Variability of the thermal emission of Vesta at 870 \mu m
P.S. Barrera-Pineda (Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica Optica y Electronica), A.J. Lovell (Agnes Scott College), F.P. Schloerb (Five College Radio Astronomy Obs., U. of Massachusetts), L. Carrasco (Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica Optica y Electronica)
14.04 Spectroscopic Exploration of the X-Type Asteroids
B.E. Clark (Ithaca College), A.S. Rivkin (M.I.T.), S.J. Bus (University of Hawaii)
14.05 Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Henan and Watsonia Family Asteroids
S. J. Bus (U. Hawaii), R. P. Binzel (MIT), J. Sunshine (SAIC), T.H. Burbine, T.J. McCoy (Smithsonian Inst.)
14.06 Spectrum of MUSES-C target asteroid 1998 SF36 from TRISPEC observations
C. Salyk (MIT), D.J. Tholen (IfA)
14.07 The superficial characterization of a large sample of asteroids: the S3OS2
D. Lazzaro, C.A. Angeli, T. Mothe-Diniz, J.M. Carvano, R. Duffard (Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), M. Florczak (CEFET, Curitiba, Brazil)
14.08 Objects Filling Kirkwood Gaps as a Source of Near-Earth Asteroids
T. Nakamura, H. Nakai (NAOJ, Japan), F. Yoshida (Nat'l Central Univ., Taiwan)
14.09 Search for Fast-rotators among the Main-belt Asteroids
B. Dermawan (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan / Bandung Inst. of Tech., Indonesia), T. Nakamura (NAOJ, Japan), F. Yoshida (Nat'l Central Univ., Taiwan), Y. Sato (Tokyo Gakugei Univ., Japan)
14.10 The International Rosetta Mission: Mars- and Asteroid Flyby Science Opprtunities
G.H. Schwehm, D. Koschny, N. Biver (Research and Science Support Dept., ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands)
14.11 spectrophotometric observations of 4979 Otawara, target of the Rosetta space mission
S. Fornasier (Astronomy Department, Padova University), M.A. Barucci (LESIA, Observatoire de Paris), R.P. Binzel (Department of Earth, Atmospheric and planetary Sciences, MIT), M. Birlan, M. Fulchignoni (LESIA, Observatoire de Paris), C. Barbieri (Astronomy Department, Padova University), S.J Bus (Institute for Astronomy, Hilo), A.W. Harris (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena), A.S. Rivkin (Department of Earth, Atmospheric and planetary Sciences, MIT), M. Lazzarin (Astronomy Department, Padova University), E. Dotto (INAF-Osservatorio astronomico di Roma), A. Erikson (DLR-BERLIN), T. Michalowsky (Astronomical Observatory, A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan), A. Doressoundiram (LESIA, Observatoire de Paris), I. Bertini (Astronomy Department, Padova University), N. Peixinho (LESIA, Observatoire de Paris)
14.12 From Mauna Kea to Meudon: IRTF Remote Observing Science Results for Potential Spacecraft Targets 4979 Otawara and 4660 Nereus
M. Birlan (Obs. de Paris-Meudon, France), R. Binzel (MIT), S. Bus (Institute for Astronomy), A. Rivkin (MIT), A. Harris (JPL), A. Barucci, M. Fulchignoni (Obs. de Paris-Meudon, France)
14.13 Astrometric Research of Asteroidal Satellites
J.-B. Kikwaya (IMCCE and Vatican Obs.), W. Thuillot, P. Rocher (IMCCE/Paris Obs.), R. Vieira Martins (ON. Rio), J.-E. Arlot (IMCCE/Paris Obs.), Cl. Angeli (ON. Rio)
14.14 BVR Color Survey of the Jovian Irregular Satellites
T. W. Rettig (University of Notre Dame), K. Walsh (University of Maryland)
14.15 NEO Impact Hazard Scales in the Context of Other Hazard Scales
C. R. Chapman (Southwest Res. Inst., Boulder), B. M. Mulligan (Queen's Univ. , Kingston, Ontario, and CIRES, Univ. Colo. at Boulder)
14.16 The Thermal Beaming Parameter According to IRAS
R. G. Walker (Vanguard Research, Inc.), M. Cohen (Vanguard Research, Inc,)
14.17 Imaging Asteroidal Companions with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
A. Storrs, K. Makhoul (Towson Univ.), E. Wells (CSC/STScI), M. Gaffey (Univ. N. Dakota), F. Vilas (NASA HQ), R. Landis (JPL), C. Wood (Univ. N. Dakota), B. Zellner (Ga. Southern Univ.)

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