AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 106 Galaxy Evolution with Deep Ground-based Surveys
Oral, Wednesday, January 7, 2004,
2:00-3:30pm, Regency VI
- 106.01 Target Selection for the DEEP2 Redshift Survey
- J. Newman (Hubble Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), DEEP2 Team
- 106.02 Evolution of High Redshift Bulges
- D.C. Koo (UCO-Lick), DEEP Collaboration
- 106.03 Initial Results of the Palomar DEEP2 Infrared Survey
- C.J. Conselice, K. Bundy, Vivian U, R.S. Ellis (CalTech), P. Eisenhardt (JPL), DEEP2 Team
- 106.04D Galaxy Clustering in the DEEP2 Redshift Survey
- A.L. Coil (Univ. California at Berkeley), DEEP2 Team
- 106.05 Mock Catalogue for the DEEP2 Redshift Survey
- R. Yan, M. White (Dept. of Astronomy, UC Berkeley), DEEP2 Team
- 106.06 DEEP2: The Stellar Mass Function at z~1
- K. Bundy, C. Conselice, R. Ellis (CalTech), P. Eisenhardt (JPL), DEEP2 Team
- 106.07 Environmental Dependence of Galaxy Properties at z ~0 to z ~1
- M. C. Cooper (UC-Berkeley), DEEP2 Team
- 106.08 The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: First Results on Galaxy Groups
- B. F. Gerke (University of California, Berkeley), DEEP2 Team
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