AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 126 The Antennae Galaxies: The Nearest Example of High Z Galaxy Interaction

Special Session, Thursday, January 8, 2004, 10:00-11:30am, Regency VII

126.01 The Antennae in the Merging Sequence
J. E. Hibbard (NRAO)
126.02 Stellar Populations in the Antennae
B. Whitmore (STScI)
126.03 Extensive hot gas around the Antennae
T.J. Ponman (University of Birmingham), Chandra Antennae team Collaboration
126.04 Chandra monitoring observations of the Antennae: Spectral variability and luminosity functions of the X-ray source population.
A. Zezas (CfA), G. Fabbiano (SAO), F. Schweizer (Carnegie Observatories), A. R. King (University of Leicester), A. Baldi (SAO), T. J. Ponman (Universoty of Birmingham), J. C. Raymond (CfA), A. M. Read (University of Leicester), A. H. Rots (SAO)

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