AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 135 Making Astronomy Real

Oral, Thursday, January 8, 2004, 2:00-3:30pm, Regency V

135.01 Teachers doing Binary Star Observations for the United States Naval Observatory
J. W. Wilson (Georgia State University)
135.02 Scientists in School: UMass Amherst STEM Connections and the NSF GK-12 Program
A.C. Schwortz, K.S. Davis (UMass Amherst), S. Mangine (Brookings MS), S. McDonald (Pathfinder VoTech), D. Moore (UMass Amherst), C. Paterson (Smith Academy), S.E. Schneider, M.M. Sternheim, J.F. Tyson (UMass Amherst)
135.03 Designing astronomy outreach activities and programs
J. Noel-Storr (Columbia University)
135.04 Planetary Nebulae: The Most Beautiful Astronomical Laboratories
M. Bobrowsky (CSC/STScI)
135.05 Seventeen Years as a National REU Site, Wyoming's Summer Undergraduate Research Assistantship Program (SURAP)
R. Canterna, P. Kalita (University of Wyoming)
135.06 Adding Audio Supported Smartboard Lectures to an Introductory Astronomy Online Laboratory
U. G. L. Lahaise (Georgia Perimeter College)
135.07 Using Computer-Based Activities in Introductory Astronomy Instruction
I. Romanovskaya (Houston Community College)
135.08 The Second Generation of USC's Self-Paced, Web-Based Astronomy Courses
C.K. Lacey (U. of South Carolina)
135.09 Teaching our (graduate) students how to AstroCompute ?
P.J. Teuben, M.W. Pound (U of Maryland)

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