AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 135 Making Astronomy Real
Oral, Thursday, January 8, 2004,
2:00-3:30pm, Regency V
- 135.01 Teachers doing Binary Star Observations for the United States Naval Observatory
- J. W. Wilson (Georgia State University)
- 135.02 Scientists in School: UMass Amherst STEM Connections and the NSF GK-12 Program
- A.C. Schwortz, K.S. Davis (UMass Amherst), S. Mangine (Brookings MS), S. McDonald (Pathfinder VoTech), D. Moore (UMass Amherst), C. Paterson (Smith Academy), S.E. Schneider, M.M. Sternheim, J.F. Tyson (UMass Amherst)
- 135.03 Designing astronomy outreach activities and programs
- J. Noel-Storr (Columbia University)
- 135.04 Planetary Nebulae: The Most Beautiful Astronomical Laboratories
- M. Bobrowsky (CSC/STScI)
- 135.05 Seventeen Years as a National REU Site, Wyoming's Summer Undergraduate Research Assistantship Program (SURAP)
- R. Canterna, P. Kalita (University of Wyoming)
- 135.06 Adding Audio Supported Smartboard Lectures to an Introductory Astronomy Online Laboratory
- U. G. L. Lahaise (Georgia Perimeter College)
- 135.07 Using Computer-Based Activities in Introductory Astronomy Instruction
- I. Romanovskaya (Houston Community College)
- 135.08 The Second Generation of USC's Self-Paced, Web-Based Astronomy Courses
- C.K. Lacey (U. of South Carolina)
- 135.09 Teaching our (graduate) students how to AstroCompute ?
- P.J. Teuben, M.W. Pound (U of Maryland)
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