AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 19 Focus on Undergraduate Astronomy
Poster, Monday, January 5, 2004,
9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall
- 19.01 Building Space Science Capabilities at Minority Universities—the First Three Years
- P.J. Sakimoto, J.D. Rosendhal, L.P. Cooper, E.M. Cohen (NASA Headquarters)
- 19.02 Bashing Pseudoscience in Academia
- S. Hameed (Smith College/Umass-Amherst), G.M. Robinson, J. Moulton (Smith College)
- 19.03 The TSU Streaming Video Astronomy Course – I, Course Content
- G. S. Burks (Tennessee State University)
- 19.04 Radio Astronomy in the Undergraduate Curriculum
- J. E. Payne, J. L. Brown, D. K. Walter (South Carolina State University)
- 19.05 Astronomy 101 Students Learning How Science Works by Writing Credible Observing Proposals
- H.L. Shipman (University of Delaware)
- 19.06 Project LITE Spectroscopy
- E. Weeks, K. Brecher, P. Carr, P. Garik (Boston U.)
- 19.07 Undergraduate Research and the Growth of a Department
- R. J. Dukes (Coll. Charleston)
- 19.08 Astronomical Research at Valdosta State University
- K.S. Rumstay, M.A. Leake, C. Barnbaum (Valdosta State University and SARA)
- 19.09 Undergraduate Student Research at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory
- N. S. van der Bliek, A. B. Whiting, R. C. Smith (CTIO / NOAO)
- 19.10 NovaSearch Online: Research Experience in Astronomy 101
- C. A. Pilachowski (Indiana University), T. Rector (University of Alaska at Anchorage), F. Morris, H. Tebbe (Indiana University)
- 19.11 Urban Astronomy: The Astronomy Club at Georgia State University
- B. Ruiz, E. Grundstrom, K. Marshall, J. P. McFarland, M. V. McSwain, M. A. Osterman, N. Veerabathina, D. W. Wingert (Georgia State University)
- 19.12 Improving the Introductory Astronomy Experience with Robotic Telescopes
- R. Gelderman (Western Kentucky Univ.)
- 19.13 A New Telescope Control System for The SRT Radio Telescope
- K. M. Ivarsen, R. L. Mutel (University of Iowa)
- 19.14 Interferometry on the Sun using a Yagi-Uda Array and a Small Radio Telescope (SRT)
- D.B.P. Gobeille (Connecticut College), A.E.E. Rogers, J.A. Ball, P. Pratap (MIT Haystack Observatory)
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