AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 8 Delta Scuti and Mira Variables
Poster, Monday, January 5, 2004,
9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall
- 8.01 Secular evolution in Mira and semiregular variable star pulsations
- M.R. Templeton, J.A. Mattei (AAVSO)
- 8.02 Searching for Short-term Variations in Miras using Machine Learning
- K.E. McGowan, P.R. Wozniak, S.J. Perkins, W.T. Vestrand (LANL)
- 8.03 Multiple-Wavelength Monitoring of Mira-Type Stars for Microvariability
- W. K. Teets (Austin Peay State University), G. D. Henson (East Tennessee State University)
- 8.04 An Examination of the delta Scuti Variable GW Draconis
- A.A. Maxwell, E.G. Hintz (Brigham Young University)
- 8.05 An Emission-Line delta Scuti? The Case of V382 Vul and Other Variables in the Field of NGC 6882/5.
- E.G. Hintz, M.D. Joner, M.B. Rose (Brigham Young University)
- 8.06 Improving Variable Star Light Curves from a Campus Observatory
- M.B. Rose, E.G. Hintz (Brigham Young University)
- 8.07 MWC349 is Now a Low-Amplitude Optical Variable
- H. Gerhardt (Towson University and Maria Mitchell Observatory), V. Strelnitski (Maria Mitchell Observatory)
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