AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 8 Delta Scuti and Mira Variables

Poster, Monday, January 5, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

8.01 Secular evolution in Mira and semiregular variable star pulsations
M.R. Templeton, J.A. Mattei (AAVSO)
8.02 Searching for Short-term Variations in Miras using Machine Learning
K.E. McGowan, P.R. Wozniak, S.J. Perkins, W.T. Vestrand (LANL)
8.03 Multiple-Wavelength Monitoring of Mira-Type Stars for Microvariability
W. K. Teets (Austin Peay State University), G. D. Henson (East Tennessee State University)
8.04 An Examination of the delta Scuti Variable GW Draconis
A.A. Maxwell, E.G. Hintz (Brigham Young University)
8.05 An Emission-Line delta Scuti? The Case of V382 Vul and Other Variables in the Field of NGC 6882/5.
E.G. Hintz, M.D. Joner, M.B. Rose (Brigham Young University)
8.06 Improving Variable Star Light Curves from a Campus Observatory
M.B. Rose, E.G. Hintz (Brigham Young University)
8.07 MWC349 is Now a Low-Amplitude Optical Variable
H. Gerhardt (Towson University and Maria Mitchell Observatory), V. Strelnitski (Maria Mitchell Observatory)

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