AAS 203rd Meeting, January 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 9 Variable Star Databases

Poster, Monday, January 5, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

9.01 Classification of Variable Stars in the OGLE-II Database
C. Hedrick (U. Nebraska-Lincoln), J. S. Shaw (U. Georgia)
9.02 9.5 Million Variable Star Observations Coming to You by 2005!
E.O. Waagen, J.A. Mattei (AAVSO)
9.03 GNAT/MOTESS Data Pipeline and Variable Star Catalog
A.L. Kraus (CalTech/GNAT), E.R. Craine (Western Research/GNAT), M.S. Giampapa (NSO), R.A. Tucker (GPO/GNAT)
9.04 Known Variable Stars in GNAT/MOTESS Data
E.R. Craine (Western Research/GNAT), A.L. Kraus (CalTech/GNAT), M.S. Giampapa (NSO), R.A. Tucker (GPO/GNAT), W. Scharlach (GNAT)

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