35th Meeting of the AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy, April 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 4. Posters I

Wednesday, April 21, 2004, 7:00-8:30pm

4.01 Orbit of a Visual Binary System
P. Descamps (IMCCE / Observatoire de Paris UMR-CNRS 8028)
4.02 Approximate First Integrals for a Model of Galactic Potential with the Method of Lie Transform Normalization
D. Boccaletti (Dept. of Mathematics, U. Rome, La Sapienza), C. Belmonte (Dept.of Physics, U. Rome, La Sapienza), G. Pucacco (Dept. of Physics, U. Rome, Tor Vergata)
4.03 The Galactic Tide and the end of the Globular Clusters
F. Cruz, L. Aguilar (Instituto de Astronomia, UNAM.)
4.04 How Cuspy Density Profiles Form in Elliptical Galaxies?
F. Cruz, H. Velazquez (Instituto de Astronomia, UNAM.)
4.05 Rotation Theory of Celestial bodies in Angle-action Variables
Y. V. Barkin (Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow; Alicante University, Spain)
4.06 Numerical Investigation of Perturbation Effects on Trajectories to Halo Orbits
I. Kruk ()
4.07 New Algorithms for Magnetohydrodynamics and Gravity that Emphasize Resolution and Speed.
J. Maron (University of Rochester), T. Dennis (University of Iowa), G. Howes (University of California at Berkeley), A. Brandenburg (Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics), B. Chandran (University of Iowa), E. Blackman (University of Rochester)
4.08 The full spectrum of Lyapunov Characteristic Numbers and its relation to the existence of Local Integrals of Motion
H. Varvoglis (University of Thessaloniki)
4.09 Differential Continuation of Stable Resonant Periodic Orbits in Three-Body Systems
J. Couetdic (Ecole Centrale Paris), F. Varadi, W.B. Moore (IGPP/UCLA), N. Haghighipour (DTM/Carnegie)
4.10 The Allegheny Observatory CCD Parallax Program
G. Gatewood (University of Pittsburgh)

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