AAS 205th Meeting, 9-13 January 2005
Session 72 First Results from HST Cosmic Evolution Survey
Special Session, Tuesday, January 11, 2005, 10:00-11:30am, Town and Country

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[72.05] Dark Matter Maps with Cosmos

J.D. Rhodes (JPL), COSMOS Weak Lensing Team

The distortion of background galaxy shapes by foreground dark matter, or weak gravitational lensing, has recently emerged as an unbiased measure of the amount and distribution of dark matter. The COSMOS project provides for the first time the depth, resolution, and survey area to use weak lensing to create high resolution maps of the dark matter distribution. We present dark matter maps of the COSMOS field and compare the dark matter distribution to light maps derived from measured galaxy counts in the same field, providing a direct measure of the relationship between luminous and dark matter.

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