AAS 206th Meeting, 29 May - 2 June 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 11. AGNs, QSOs, Active Galaxies
Poster, Monday, 9:20am-6:30pm, Tuesday, 10:00am-7:00pm, May 30, 2005, Ballroom A
- 11.01 Spectral Curvature Analysis of Relaxed Double Radio Sources
- A. Young, C. Wolfe (Kutztown University)
- 11.02 Intraday X-Ray Variability of QSOs/AGN Using the Chandra Archives
- C. Tartamella, J. Busche (Wheeling Jesuit University)
- 11.03 Testing the SMBH-Host Galaxy Connection at z~0.4
- L. Watson, F. Hamann (Univ. of Florida), M. Dietrich (Ohio State University), C. Warner (Univ. of Florida)
- 11.04 X-ray Spectral Variability Study of RXTE Active Galaxies
- B. J. Mattson (NASA-GSFC/UMD/L-3 Com), K. A. Weaver (NASA), C. S. Reynolds (UMD)
- 11.05 The Connection between Outflowing UV Absobers and the Inner Narrow-Line Region in Seyfert Galaxies
- M. Crenshaw (GSU), S. Kraemer (CUA)
- 11.06 Nuclear Dust Morphology of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
- R. P. Deo, D. M. Crenshaw (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Georgia State University), S. B. Kraemer (Catholic University of America, and GSFC)
- 11.07 Kinematic modelling of the NLR of NGC1068
- V. Das, D. M. Crenshaw (Georgia State University), S. B. Kraemer (Catholic University of America)
- 11.08 Broad Absorption Line Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Three
- P. B. Hall (York University), J. R. Trump (Steward Observatory), D. P. Schneider (Penn State University), SDSS Quasar Survey Team
- 11.09 Variability of the Intrinsic Ultraviolet Absorption in Mrk 279
- J. E. Scott (NRC/GSFC), G. A. Kriss, J. Kim Quijano, N. Arav, J. Gabel (STScI)
- 11.10 X-ray sources in the 1hr XMM-Newton/Chandra deep field survey.
- S. Trudolyubov (IGPP/UCR), F. Cordova (UCR), W. Priedhorsky (LANL), M. Page, K. Mason (MSSL, UK), XMM/OM Collaboration
- 11.11 Surprising Cyclic Eclipse-like Events in the Recent UBVRI Photometry of the Seyfert/AGN Galaxy NGC 4151
- J.T. Marcy, S.G. Stegman, E.F. Guinan, S.G. Engle, G.P. McCook (Villanova University)
- 11.12 XMM-Newton Observation of the Second Brightest Quasar PHL 1811
- J Choi, K. M. Leighly (OU), C. Matsumoto (Nagoya University)
- 11.13 Spectral Decomposition of Broad-Line AGNs and Host Galaxies
- D.E. Vanden Berk, J. Shen, D.P. Schneider (Penn State), C.W. Yip, A.J. Connolly (Pittsburgh), SDSS Collaboration
- 11.14 Properties of the Dust in the IRAS 13349+2438 Warm Absorber
- S. M. Linder, G. Kriss (STScI), J. Lee (CfA), W. N. Brandt (Penn State), S. Kaspi (Wise Obs.), P. Ogle (UCSB), C. Reynolds (U. Maryland)
- 11.15 MIPS and IRS Analysis of Nearby X-ray Selected Seyfert Galaxies
- V. Gorjian, K. A. Cleary, R. Chary, C. R. Lawrence, M. W. Werner (JPL/Caltech)
- 11.16 Initial Swift/BAT Hard X-ray Survey Results
- C. B. Markwardt (NASA/GSFC & U. Maryland), Swift/BAT Instrument Team
- 11.17 Kinematics and Black Hole Mass for the Narrow-Angle Tailed Radio Galaxy NGC 4061
- J. C. Pinkney (Ohio Northern University), Nuker Team
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