AAS 206th Meeting, 29 May - 2 June 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 32. Highlights in Laboratory Astrophysics
Poster, Wednesday, 10:00am-7:00pm, Thursday, 9:20am-2:00pm, June 1, 2005, Ballroom A
Associated with Topical Session 31.
- 32.01 NASA's Exploration Vision and Laboratory Astrophysics
- H. Hasan (NASA Headquarters)
- 32.02 Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of Doubly Ionized Iron Group Elements for Astrophysical Applications
- D. G. Smillie (Space and Atmospheric Physics Group, Blackett Lab., Imperial College, UK; Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J. C. Pickering (Space and Atmospheric Physics Group, Blackett Lab., Imperial College, UK), P. L. Smith (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
- 32.03 Improved Cr II f-values with Application in the Eta Car -146 km/s Ejecta
- K.E. Nielsen (CUA & NASA/SGFC), H. Nilsson (Lund Observatory), G. Vieira Kober (SSAI & NASA/GSFC), G. Ljung (Lund Observatory)
- 32.04 Oscillator Strengths for Ultraviolet Transitions in Cl~{\small II} and {\small III}
- S.R. Federman, R.M. Schectman, M. Brown, S. Cheng, R.E. Irving (U. Toledo), M.C. Fritts (U. Minnesota), N.D. Gibson (Dennison U.)
- 32.05 Absorption Profiles of Li and Na in Brown Dwarf Spectra
- J.F. Kielkopf (U. Louisville), N.F. Allard (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, France), F. Allard (CRAL-ENS, Lyon, France)
- 32.06 Laboratory Measurements of Charge Transfer on Atomic Hydrogen at Thermal Energies
- C. C. Havener, R. Rejoub (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), M. Schnell, D. W. Savin (Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory)
- 32.07 Oscillator Strengths for Rydberg Transitions in CO and Its Isotopomers
- Y. Sheffer, S. R. Federman (U. Toledo), M. Eidelsberg, J. L. Lemaire, J. H. Fillion, F. Rostas (Obs. Paris Meudon and U. Cergy-Pontoise), J. Ruiz (U. Malaga)
- 32.08 Sub-millimeter Spectroscopy of Diatomic Hydrides of Astrophysical Interest
- D. T. Halfen (Univ. of Arizona), C. S. Savage (JILA), A. J. Apponi, L. M. Ziurys (Univ. of Arizona)
- 32.09 Spectroscopy of Jet-Cooled Neutral and Ionized PAHs: Implications for Interstellar Dust
- F. Salama (NASA Ames Research Center), X. Tan (NRC & NASA Ames Research Center), L. Biennier (PALMS, Univ. Rennes, France), J. Cami (NRC & NASA Ames Research Center)
- 32.10 A search for PAHs in astrophysical environments
- J. Cami, X. Tan (NASA Ames Research Center), L. Biennier (PALMS, Univ. Rennes, France), F. Salama (NASA Ames Research Center)
- 32.11 The 6.8 \mum band is caused by CaO grains
- Y. Kimura, J. A. Nuth III (Astrochemistry Lab., Solar System Exploration Div., NASA's GSFC)
- 32.12 Formation of Molecular Hydrogen on Dust Grains
- G. Vidali, J.E. Roser (Syracuse University - USA), E. Congiu (U. Cagliari and DMFCI U.Catania - Italy), L. Li (Syracuse University - USA), G. Manico', V. Pirronello (DMFCI U. Catania - Italy)
- 32.13 Measurements of M-Shell Dielectronic Recombination for Active Galactic Nuclei
- D. Lukic, M. Schnell, D. W. Savin (Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory), A. Mueller, S. Schippers, E. W. Schmidt (Justus-Liebig-Universitaet), C. Brandau (Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung), M. Lestinsky, F. Sprenger, A. Wolf (Max-Planck-Institute fuer Kernphysik)
- 32.14 Density Measurements Using the L-shell Spectra of Si V, S VII, and Ar IX
- J. K. Lepson (SSL), P. Beiersdorfer (LLNL), M. F. Gu (Stanford)
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