AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
Session 37 AGN Jets and Radio Galaxies
Oral, Monday, 10:00-11:30am, January 9, 2006, Virginia

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[37.06] A Deep X-ray and Optical Look at Two Powerful Quasar Jets

R. Sambruna (NASA's GSFC), M. Gliozzi, D. Donato (GMU), L. Maraschi (Oss Brera), F. Tavecchio (Oss Merate), C.C. Cheung (Kavli Institute, Stanford), C.M. Urry (Yale Univ), J.F.C. Wardle (Brandeis Univ), Relativistic jets Collaboration

We discuss the results and implications from deep Chandra and multicolor HST observations of two jets hosted by the powerful quasars 1136--135 and 1150+497, together with new radio observations. The sources were selected from our previous X-ray/optical jet survey for detailed follow up aimed at obtaining better constraints on the jet multiwavelength morphology and X-ray and optical spectra of individual knots, and to test emission models. In 1150+497 the X-ray, optical, and radio profiles decrease in similar ways with distance from the core up to ~ 7\arcsec, after which the radio emission increases more than the X-ray one. In 1136--135, downstream of the most prominent knot at ~ 6.5\arcsec\ from the core the X-ray emission fades while the radio emission brightens. The X-ray spectrum also varies, with the X-ray photon index flattening from \Gammax ~2 in the inner part to \Gammax ~1.7 to the end of the jet. We intepret the jet behavior in 1136--135 in a scenario where the relativistic flow suffers systematic deceleration along the jet, and briefly discuss the major consequences of this scenario.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.