AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 133. The Milky Way
Poster, Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall
- 133.01 Milky Way's Structure: Theory
- D. F. Bartlett (University of Colorado)
- 133.02 The Mily Way: A Connection between Stars, Galaxies and the Universe
- R.P. Olling (USRA & University of Maryland at College Park)
- 133.03 HST Proper Motions in the Galactic Bulge
- P.R. Wozniak (LANL), S. Kozlowski (Univ. of Manchester), W.T. Vestrand (LANL), S. Mao (Univ. of Manchester)
- 133.04 Detailed Abundance Ratios of the Galactic Bulge
- J. P. Fulbright (Johns Hopkins University), A. McWilliam (Carnegie Observatories), R. M. Rich (UCLA)
- 133.05 BVRI and UBV Photometry of Metal-Poor and Horizontal-Branch Candidates in the Galactic Halo
- N. De Lee (Michigan State), T.C. Beers (Michigan State & JINA), H.A. Smith, B. Marsteller, J. Krugler (Michigan State), Y. Lee (Michigan State & JINA), R. Wilhelm (Texas Tech), D. Terndrup (Ohio State)
- 133.06 Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey: Calibration and Pilot Surveys
- D.P. Clemens, A. Pinnick, N. Bonaventura, D.S. Sarcia, A. Grabau (IAR/BU), E.V. Tollestrup (IAR/BU, IRTF/Hawaii), M. Buie, B. Taylor, E. Dunham (Lowell Obs.)
- 133.07 GLIMPSEing the Galactic Horizon
- E.P. Mercer, D.P. Clemens, J.M. Jackson, T.M. Bania, J.M. Rathborne, R.Y. Shah (Boston University), GLIMPSE Team
- 133.08 Dissecting the Milky Way with SDSS - I: Stellar Overdensities
- R. H. Lupton, M. Juric (Princeton U.), Z. Ivezic, A. Brooks (U. Washington), D. J. Schlegel (LBL), D. Finkbeiner, N. Padmanabhan, N. Bond (Princeton U.), C. M. Rockosi (U. C. Santa Cruz), G. R. Knapp, J. E. Gunn, T. Sumi (Princeton U.), D. P. Schneider (Penn. State)
- 133.09 A New Search for Warped Ionized Gas at the Southern Milky Way
- J.C. Cersosimo (UPR at Humacao), S.L. Mader (CSIRO Parkes Observatory, New South Wales, Australia), D.E. Azcarate (Instituro Argentino de Radioastronomia, Pcia.Bs. As, Argentina), N. Santiago Figueroa (UPR at Humacao)
- 133.10 Chemical Fingerprinting the Milky Way's Accretion Past
- M.-Y. Chou, S. R. Majewski (University of Virginia), V. V. Smith, K. Cunha (NOAO), R. J. Patterson (University of Virginia), J. D. Crane (Carnegie Observatories), D. Martinez-Delgado (Instituto de Astrophysica de Andalucia (CSIC))
- 133.11 Dissecting the Milky Way with SDSS - II: Stellar Kinematics
- N.A. Bond, Z. Ivezic, M. Juric, J.A. Munn, R.H. Lupton, D. Schlegel, D. Finkbeiner, C.M. Rockosi, J.R. Knapp, J.E. Gunn, B. Yanny ()
- 133.12 Nonlinear Reddening Behavior in the Near-Infrared Color-Magnitude Diagram
- S. S. Kim (Kyung Hee University), D. F. Figer (STScI), M. G. Lee (Seoul National University)
- 133.13 The Ultraviolet Sky: classification and properties of UV sources from the GALEX surveys
- L. Bianchi, L. Rodriguez, J. Herald (JHU), B. Efremova (JHU, and Univ. of Sofia), GALEX Team
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